Privacy Policy

 Online Store Customers: We collect personal information from you when you shop through our main store or any of our Independent Consultants’ online storefronts. This information includes your email address, username, first name, last name, address, phone number, password, payment, and shipping information.
Contact forms: If you submit information to us through forms made available to you on our Website or otherwise, we may collect personal information from you including your name, address, phone, email, company, and any message content you may choose to provide.
 Automatically Collected Personal Information: By its nature, our Website also automatically collects some personal information about you. In order for you to view or interact with our Website, we receive individual identifiers like your IP address, some network information like date and time of pages visited, and information about your browser and computer. We collect some personal information automatically using cookies or other tracking technologies, described in more detail in the cookies section below.
We do * NOT* share your information with third parties outside of our store.